Chow Suet Mui

Visual Arts


Chow Suet Mui loves painting since her childhood despite experiencing spasm, and overcomes difficulties in controlling her hands to learn sketching, comics and oil painting. She is good at expressing different textures through the thickness of pigments and creating atmospheres through different colour tones, such as using yellow the paint the sky in her work “Happy Little Flying Elephant”. Wai Mui was awarded the second place at “The 7th Hong Kong Abilympics” oil painting competition with her work “Lotus” in 2007, which has in turn encouraged her to continue her creation. She hopes to show her work and share the joy of aesthetic creation with others in the future.


 Merit, “Youreable Fashion Design 2010” (Public Group), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
 1st-runner up, Painting Competition, “The 7th Hong Kong Abilympics”, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


 “Exhibition of Arts with the Disabled”, The Spastic Association of Hong Kong (renamed SAHK)
 “‘Our Hearts’ Art Exhibition”, co-presented by Swire Island East and The Spastics Association of Hong Kong (renamed as SAHK)

Media Coverage

2007 / 4 / 25

    【Hong Kong Economic Times】A story about art with the disabled (Chinese version only)